It adds a small recoil to the animation after you fire an arrow or cast a spell, alongside a small pause that you’ll have to wait out before casting or shooting again. Attack Commitment makes each of your attacks a decision to make, as you won’t be able to turn easily after hitting that attack button. Mortal Enemies takes away the “aimbot” that seems to be embedded into every single humanoid NPC. Its not really a combat overhaul, but its coming with various ways to interact with the new souls … Well this mod removes that from the game. If you buy something we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you. Born in the first half of the 90s, video games have been a part of my life ever since I was introduced to Age of Empires I by my dad.

TK Recoil makes the use of arrows, crossbows, and even staffs even more realistic (or at least it makes staff feel like they were real). Dark Souls Inspired mods? You have to be logged in to download files, Dark Souls Combat System SE by TheDriedFinger. It’s a simple mod, which is why it’s ranked so low, but it’s still pretty cool nonetheless. Leaving my non-xenophobic remark behind, this mod is actually fantastic. But things change, and so do video games.

Watch how their guts spill out after a devastating blow and rejoice in the pitiful acts of violence that probably happened in Skyrim but Bethesda wouldn’t like to show us. Dark Souls Combat is a mod for Skyrim meant to bring core elements of the combat system of the Soulsborne series (the Souls series and Bloodborne) to Skyrim. It adds a lock-on system to the game which truly takes combat to the next level by allowing you to rotate between foes in a fight, without struggling or losing sight of them in the heat of the moment. This mod brings a lot of gameplay modifications, and almost all of the parameters are involved.