‘Attended by a lady-in-waiting, the remarkable royal matriarch arrived at the north nave door and was conducted to the quire.’.
‘She divides her time between acting as a PA to her husband and being a lady-in-waiting to Princess Michael of Kent, so the red carpet existence the couple now live on the film awards circuit leaves her completely unfazed.’.
‘Lady Grimthorpe, of Westow near Malton, a former lady-in-waiting to the Queen Mother, will be among the congregation at the funeral.’.
‘Cavendish was the daughter of the Duke of Devonshire, a cousin of Lord David Cecil, et cetera, and became a lady-in-waiting to Princess Margaret - the next best thing, perhaps, to Betjeman bagging a royal.’.
‘He had left his wife, and the mother of his two children, Penelope Chetwode, for Elizabeth Cavendish, a lady-in-waiting to Princess Margaret and daughter of the Duke of Devonshire.’.
‘Being a minor poet is like being minor royalty, and no one, as a former lady-in-waiting to Princess Margaret once explained to me, is happy as that.’.